![ACT PROGRAM](http://www.lifecare.ind.in/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/keen-problem-540x280.jpg)
In the modern world the lifestyle changes has instigated the Degenerative changes in individuals at an early age. Earlier it used to be more of wear and tear process but now the eating habits of the individuals have catalyzed these changes happening at an early stage of life.
Degenerative changes once set in, gets irreversible and are there for the rest of the life. None of the treating methodology has any answer to this but in alternative medicine. We developed a detailed therapy to deal with these changes and correct them so a person has better quality of life for the rest of his age.
Degenerative disease typically is a result of the natural ageing process although it can be caused by injury or trauma also. As you get older the disc of cartilage that provides the support in between the vertebrae lose water and begin to dry out. Lack of water causes them to become fragile and susceptible to bulging and crushing.
Scope of the Program
This program is devised for the people who cannot go for Radical Surgery because of different reasons, starting from personal to financial or social.
In addition to this the presences of toxins like Interlukin-6, Tumor necrosis factor alpha,
C-Reactive Protein are few factors which act as an agents responsible for eating away the cartilage by depriving it of nutrients. To have a systematic treatment plan to correct these changes we need to excrete these toxins from the body.
Looking into the background of the causes of Degenerative diseases, we gave it a thorough introspection and design a treatment plan which aims to rectify the root cause of this physical condition.
The root cause as derived by us was:
1. Over acidification of body tissue and blood
2. Elevated body burden of environmental toxins and infections
3. Hormonal Imbalance
4. Weight of the person / Eating habits / Lifestyle
5. Damaged Cartilage.
6. Movement Loss of the joint / no physical work
So after deriving of root cause, the therapy planned had taken in consideration the facts that, for addressing the problem we need to effectively address the root causes. For the addressing the root cause we came to a conclusion that the treatment plan should have the following.
Program Outline:
At the outset for any patient who, has degenerative disease and visit us for the same, the flow of the process is with the following facilities:
1. Assessment of the disease*
2. Consultation with the physician / PT / AM /Acupressure*
3. Counseling on the disease*
4. Discussion in Treatment board
5. Treatment planned and therapy given
6. Follow up *
*Indicates free of cost
The treatment plan basics are described hereunder:
1. Physiotherapy for Muscle Strengthening
2. Detoxification of the Body and Blood.
3. Weight control/ loss/ healthy eating habits
4. Neuro Muscular massage
5. Deep Tissue massage
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